Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
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MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao, and our parent company MARUHAN Corporation, firmly believe in promoting growth and wellbeing in the communities in which we serve.
MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao’s philosophy is to drive social support within every aspect of our organization in a responsible manner. We do this by using our business resources responsibly; to improve environments, provide opportunities and generate hope within the communities in which we work. This commitment includes being a role model employer and service provider, setting new standards in terms of commitment to corporate and social responsibility and providing both financial and in-kind assistance to worthy programmes and organizations operating in Lao PDR.
Above images are just a few examples of the many ways MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao is fulfilling its corporate responsibilities in Lao PDR. Our corporate and social responsibility programme is in line with our ASEAN regional strategy – we operate locally but with the aim of providing a network of benefits that create impact well beyond individual countries.
A few notable corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects that our parent and sister companies already been involved in within the region have included the sponsorship of:
- a sports programme which provides sporting opportunities for children from extremely poor families living and/or working around city garbage dumps
- a bus that transports children from various orphanages, schools and organizations to sporting events,
- sending a team to the Homeless World Cup in Milan, Italy
- an educational HIV prevention TV series
- a Fun Run in aid of vocational training programmes for disadvantaged young people.
Sponsoring a football team or a school bus may seem a small contribution but it is part of a wider mission to give even the most disadvantaged something to smile about.
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Our neighbour’s home in Ban Phonxay was destroyed by fire on the night of 6 May 2020. We are thankful that Madam Boupha Somchai and her family were safely evacuated and are safe. The fire & rescue teams were dispatched immediately and were able to douse the fire within 30mins. We are grateful. With the consent of Madam Boupha and our Deputy Chief of Village, Mr. Phailod SISAVAENG, Maruhan Japan Bank Lao Co., Ltd would like to support madam to resume with her daily live. To initiate, MJBL and our staff have collected LAK10,000,000 to date.